Orientation, le Guide de l'Enseignement Privé

Construire sa vie

S’imprégner de la langue anglaise en un an

S’imprégner de la culture anglaise en un an

« I came to Canterbury in May. Studying at Concorde International for one year was a great experience” “Living in Canterbury was not just studying English but also I had opportunities to learn new culture” Modoka Tomimoto from Japan

“I have been impressed by the friendship and the academic atmosphere. It had given me such a great opportunity to practice my English” Leon from France


“I think this course helped me to understand how to do academic writing and research for University” Pei Yu from Taiwan


I had a lot of fun studying in Canterbury. I made friends all over the world” Adbulaziz Albayyat from Saudi Arabia


“I think it is a good idea to have this possibility of parents studying in a center near their children school”




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